Skyhawks: Soccer Camp
#: SH    ID:    Section: 11
Skyhawks was founded as a soccer club in 1979. Thirty years later we are still the number one choice for parents looking to refine their child's fundamentals of the world's most popular sport. Using our progressional curriculum, our sport-specific staff will ensure your young athlete will gain the technical skills & sport knowledge required for their next step into soccer. This camp focuses on dribbling, passing, shooting, and ball control. By the end of the camp your child will have learned new life skills such as teamwork and sportsmanship, made new friends, and improved their sport skills! Participants should wear appropriate clothing, shoes, and sunscreen. Bring two snacks and a water bottle.
Bring to Class:
Participants should wear appropriate clothing, shoes, and sunscreen. Bring two snacks and a water bottle.
Age Req:
Students Entering Grades K-6
M, Tu, W, Th 
9:00 AM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
8/5/2024   9:00AM - 12:00PM
PA - East Field
PA - Gym C (N124)
8/6/2024   9:00AM - 12:00PM
PA - East Field
PA - Gym C (N124)
8/7/2024   9:00AM - 12:00PM
PA - East Field
PA - Gym C (N124)
8/8/2024   9:00AM - 12:00PM
PA - East Field
PA - Gym C (N124)